Log Timing Delays in Splunk Could be Putting Your Security at Risk
Discover how minor logging delays can lead to missed Splunk alerts and put your security at risk. Learn how to avoid this issue.
Michael McKinley
April 19, 2023
BLUF: Logging delay to Splunk as little as 100ms can cause missed alerts.
A Tale of Two Times
Splunk is a powerful platform for collecting, indexing and analyzing data from various sources. However, it is critically important to understand the nuances of how Splunk handles time; forgoing such consideration may lead to missing critical events.
The _time field in Splunk represents the timestamp of an event as specified by the source log. This field is critical for time-based analysis, such as identifying trends, detecting anomalies, and correlating events across different sources. This is the time that Splunk visualizes when viewing search results and is used as the time variable when performing searches.
The _indextime field in Splunk represents the timestamp when Splunk indexes the event, which may not always be the same as the _time field. Simply, it’s the time Splunk logged the event, and it will almost always differ from _time even if by milliseconds.
A Wrinkle in Time
Why do the times differ?
Truth is, there is a delay. There are many points in the ingestion pipeline that can cause delay, such as:
Network latency
Logging throughput capacity
Logging interval
Clock skew
Timing delays in Splunk can cause missed alerts, which may result in serious consequences for security and other critical operations.
For instance, if an alert is monitoring a critical system, but there is a delay between the _time and _indextime timestamps, the alert may not be triggered even when events occur.
Small Delay = Big Problem
How much delay can cause missed events?
Delays of milliseconds can result in missed events. During testing in the worst case scenario, delays of 100ms resulted in missed events. Theoretically the delay can be even be lower. This raises an important question - are you confident that all of your critical logging sources consistently log in near real-time?
TL;DR To discover log delays subtract _time from _indextime.
index=example_delay | eval delay_sec=_indextime-_time | eval delay_minute=(delay_sec/60) | timechart span=1h avg(delay_minute) by index
Fig 1. Example Timechart for Splunk Search
Can I discover if any of my recent saved searches missed events?
Yes, a simple method is to re-run the search over the same period and compare the results. If the results differ over there is likely a timing issue.
Below is an example script in Python to identify saved searches with timing issues. Usage information: here.
I’ve run this script against a lab instance of Splunk with intentionally induced delays, the results are below.
#Code to detect and graph differences in recently ran searches# Import required librariesimport timeimport jsonimport splunklib.client as clientimport splunklib.results as resultsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport matplotlib.dates as mdatesfrom datetime import datetime, timedelta# Function to connect to the Splunk servicedef splunk_connect(base_url, port, splunk_account, splunk_password):try:# Connect to the Splunk service service = client.connect(host=base_url, port=port, username=splunk_account, password=splunk_password)print('Connected to Splunk instance: {}'.format(base_url))print('-'*90)exceptExceptionas e:print('Error in Connecting to Splunk: {}'.format(e))# Return the service objectreturn service# Function to compare jobsdef compare_jobs(service,owner,graph):# Get the list of search jobs search_jobs = service.jobs.list()# Loop through the search jobsfor job in search_jobs:# If the job is a saved search and the owner matches the specified ownerif job['content']['isSavedSearch'] =='1'and job['access']['owner'] == owner:# Initialize lists to store results results_list = [] results_list_new = []# Set the keyword arguments for the search job kwargs = {"earliest_time": job['content']['earliestTime'],"latest_time": job['content']['latestTime'],"search_mode": "normal","output_mode": "json"}# Get the results of the original job job_results = job.results(output_mode='json')# Parse the results and append them to the results listfor x in results.JSONResultsReader(job_results): results_list.append(dict(x))# Create a new job with the same search criteria job_new = service.jobs.create(job['content']['eventSearch'],**kwargs)# Wait for the new job to finishwhilenot job_new.is_done(): time.sleep(1)# Get the results of the new job job_results_new = job_new.results(output_mode='json')# Parse the results and append them to the new results listfor y in results.JSONResultsReader(job_results_new): results_list_new.append(dict(y))# Compare the lengths of the results listsif(len(results_list) !=len(results_list_new)):# Initialize lists to store issues search_issue = [] results_indexed = [] results_time = []# Add the search issue to the list search_issue.append({'sid': job['content']['sid'],'label': job['content']['label'],'earliest_time': job['content']['earliestTime'],'latest_time': job['content']['latestTime'], })# Get the unique keys for the results results_keys = [(d.get('_raw'), d.get('_indextime'), d.get('_time')) for d in results_list] results_keys_new = [(d.get('_raw'), d.get('_indextime'), d.get('_time')) for d in results_list_new]# Find the unique results in the new results list unique_to_new =set(results_keys_new) -set(results_keys)# print the unique resultsif unique_to_new:print('SEARCH: {} SID: {}'.format(job['content']['label'],job['content']['sid']))print('RESULT: DIFFERENCE FOUND')print('NOTE: This is indicative of a delay issue and resulted in missing events in the original search.')print('-'*10)print('List of Missing Results')print('-'*10)#format time and set in indexfor key in unique_to_new: formatted_indextime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(key[1])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') results_indexed.append(formatted_indextime) formatted_time = datetime.fromisoformat(key[2]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') results_time.append(formatted_time)print(' _time={},_indextime={},_raw={}'.format(formatted_time,formatted_indextime,key[0]))#graph the results if graph =='true': plot_timeline(search_issue,results_indexed,results_time)print('-'*90)else:print('SEARCH: {} SID: {}'.format(job['content']['label'],job['content']['sid']))print('RESULT: NO DELAY FOUND')print('NOTE: Search results in original search and re-ran search match, no delay issue identified.')print('-'*90)# Function to plot the timeline of the search issuedef plot_timeline(search_issue, results_indexed, results_time):# Convert result issue timestamps to datetime objects indextimes = [datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for d in results_indexed] times = [datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for d in results_time]# Set the title and subtitle for the plot title = search_issue[0]['label'] subtitle = search_issue[0]['sid']# Get the start and end dates of the search issue and remove timezone and microseconds start_date = datetime.strptime(search_issue[0]['earliest_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') start_date = start_date.replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=None) end_date = datetime.strptime(search_issue[0]['latest_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') end_date = end_date.replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=None)# Create a figure and axis for the plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))# Plot the base timeline ax.plot([start_date, end_date], [0, 0], color='black', alpha=0.5)# Fill the area between the start and end dates ax.fill_between([start_date, end_date], -0.5, 0.5, color='green', alpha=0.2)# Calculate the maximum difference between indextime and start_time max_difference =max([abs((date - start_date).total_seconds()) for date in indextimes] + [abs((date - end_date).total_seconds()) for date in indextimes])# Set the buffer based on the maximum differencebuffer= timedelta(seconds=max_difference *0.1)# Set the x and y limits for the plot ax.set_xlim(start_date -buffer, end_date +buffer) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5)# Remove spines and y-axis ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)# Plot the indexed markers and annotationsfor idx, date inenumerate(indextimes): ax.plot(date, 0, 'ro', markersize=8, label='Indexed Time for Event') ax.annotate('{} - {}'.format(idx,date.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')), xy=(date, 0), xytext=(date, 0.1+ (idx %2) *0.1), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', lw=1.5), fontsize=12, ha='center')#plot the time markers and annotationsfor idx, date inenumerate(times): ax.plot(date, 0, 'bo', markersize=8, label='Time for Event') ax.annotate('{} - {}'.format(idx,date.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')), xy=(date, 0), xytext=(date, -0.1+ (idx %2) *-0.1), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', lw=1.5), fontsize=12, ha='center')# Set the title, x-axis formatter, and x-axis locator ax.set_title('{}\n{}'.format(title,subtitle), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.AutoDateLocator())# Create the legend and display unique items handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label =dict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc='upper left')# Adjust layout and display the plot plt.tight_layout() plt.show()def banner():print('-'*90)print('-'*90)print(' _____ _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _____')print(' | \ |____ | |___| \_/ | \ |____ | |____ | | | \ / |____')print(' |____/ |____ |____ | | | |____/ |____ | |____ |_____ | __|__ \/ |____')print(' Splunk Log Delay Detector v1.0')print('-'*90)print('-'*90)def main():#get configwithopen('config.json') as f: data = json.load(f) splunk_account = data['splunk_account'] splunk_password = data ['splunk_password'] base_url = data['base_url'] port = data['port'] owner = data['owner'] graph = data['graph']#show banner banner()#connect to splunk service = splunk_connect(base_url, port, splunk_account, splunk_password)#check and compare all jobs by owner compare_jobs(service,owner,graph) if__name__=="__main__": main()
_____ _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _____
| \ |____ | |___| \_/ | \ |____ | |____ | | | \ / |____
|____/ |____ |____ | | | |____/ |____ | |____ |_____ | __|__ \/ |____
Splunk Log Delay Detector v1.0
Connected to Splunk instance:
SEARCH: indextime_demo SID: scheduler__splunk__search__RMD51aafb4f9eda25a49_at_1680733200_806
NOTE: This is indicative of a delay issue and resulted in missing events in the original search.
List of Missing Results
_time=2023-04-05 22:19:59,_indextime=2023-04-05 22:20:02,_raw=critical ransomware L0OdbQcw6y
_time=2023-04-05 22:19:57,_indextime=2023-04-05 22:20:00,_raw=critical ransomware 3X1K0CTmxE
SEARCH: indextime_demo SID: scheduler__splunk__search__RMD51aafb4f9eda25a49_at_1680566280_768
NOTE: Search results in original search and re-ran search match, no delay issue identified.
A Solution
Rather than telling Splunk to alert to items within the last _time window for our searches, we can alert to anything indexed in the period since our search last ran. Instead saying, “Splunk tell me about any log you just discovered.”
To do this the alert requires two modifications:
Update the Alert Query
Update the Time Window
Update Alert Query
Splunk can use time modifiers in the search query (ref). To switch to _indextime alerting we need to add _index_earliest and _index_latest to our search query. These parameters define the _indextime range we intend to search.
_index_earliest - In most cases, set this to the time interval the alert looks back on. (e.g. _index_earliest=-15m)
_index_latest - In most cases, this should be set to the current time. (e.g. _index_latest=now())
Update Time Window
Switching to _indextime alerting will not remove the use of _time; it is still a filter on the search. Instead, _time is now the maximum log delay that still generates an alert.
An Example
The below search is updated to alert on _indextime alerting. The figure is marked relative to the behavior referenced in the list:
Search every 15 minutes
Search everything indexed within the last 15 minutes
Search everything with _time within the last 14 days*
*This does not significantly impact processing; it is not the same as processing 14 days of data
Fig 2. Example Updated Splunk Alert
This alert behaves in the following manner: 1. Runs every 15 minutes 2. Searches logs indexed in the last 15 minutes 3. Searches logs delayed up to 14 days
Simply using _time can cause issues with saved searches, even in logs are delayed by minimal amounts. Switching to _indextime alerting reduces this problem significantly. In closing, I recommend running all saved searches with this method.*
Additional Items
This post did not address the following:
This does not address or identify issues that set _time in the future. These should be identified separately and remediated.
Certain saved searches may require additional effort to adopt this method. For example: searches with subsearches, searches with multiple time frames, searches in which _time is a part of calculations or needs to be precise.
Switching to _indextime alerting is not a substitute for fixing unacceptable logging delay.